

31 March 2015

Bullet holes

Already since I bought my van, I took some Adria stickers away and added some of my own ones. I needed some street attitude, hahaha! One of the stickers are like bullet holes, how girly!

I was a small player when I found this truck in Italy where the whole cabin was decorated (!) and a really small player when I reached Crete, see the photos!

These are my bullet holes, impressive don´t you think?

The truck beside me in Italy, wowowowow!

Hahaha and in Crete they are real cowboys!


  1. Noi luodinreijät on todella aidon näköisiä.Tosi hauskoja.Vähän se rekan hytti oli raju.Todella luo katu-uskottavuutta.Ei voi,kun nauraa.

    1. Kreetalla ne ON aitoja, ei pelkkiä tarroja, aitoa kreikkalaista meininkiä :)


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